Authors↑ | Editors↑ | Title↑ | Year↑ | Press↑ | Discipline↑ | Category↑ | Type↑ | Tags↑ | URL↑ |
Kelsey Borreson | | What it Means to be 'Aromantic' According to Aromantic People | 2022 | | | Community | Article | aromantic; asexual; AVEN; comics; friendship; identity; media; platonic; queerplatonic; repulsion/aversion; romantic |
C. Bougie | | Composing Aromanticism | 2021 | | Aro Theory, Queer Theory | Academic | | amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; AVEN; categorization; coming out; definitions; discrimination; dysphoria; friendship; gender; identity; kinship; narrative; online community; poetry; queer; queer theory; relationships; self-identification; social construct; split attraction; theory |
Matthew Williams | | Cold Heart: An Exploration of Aromanticism in Lucy | 2018 | Loyola Marymount University | Literature, Aro Theory | Academic | Article | amatonormativity; aromantic; friendship; literary analysis/theory; literature; love; platonic |
Christian Klesse, Leehee Rothschild, Jaisie Walker | Michelle D. Vaughan, Theodore R. Burnes | Queer(ing) Consensual Non-Monogamies, Queering Therapy: Queer Intimacy, Kinship, and Experiences of CNM in LGBTQIA+ Lives | 2022 | Rowman & Littlefield | Psychology | Academic | Book chapter | amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; BDSM; bisexual; friendship; gender; intimacy; kink; kinship; LGBTQ; nonbinary; nonmonogamy; platonic; psychology; queer; queerplatonic; romantic; trans |
Tiina Vares | Brandy L. Simula, J.E. Sumerau, Andrea Miller | Asexualities, Intimacies and Relationality | 2019 | Brill Sense | Ace Theory | Academic | Book chapter | aromantic; asexual; AVEN; crush; definitions; demisexuality; friendship; gray-asexuality; intimacy; marriage; monogamy; narrative; nonsexual; online community; platonic; queerplatonic; repulsion/aversion; romantic; self-identification; split attraction; squish |
Matt Dawson, Susie Scott, Liz McDonnell | | Negotiating the boundaries of intimacy: the personal lives of asexual people | 2016 | | Sociology | Academic | Article | aromantic; friendship; identity; intimacy; narrative; passing; psychology; qualitative methods; relationships; romantic; social construct; sociology; split attraction |
Daniela Cutas | | Editorial: On Love | 2018 | | Gender Studies | Academic | Article | amatonormativity; autism; Black; colonialism; friendship; gender; love; marriage; morality; nonmonogamy; philosophy; queer; race; reproduction; romantic |
CJ Deluzio Chasin | | Making Sense in and of the Asexual Community: Navigating Relationships and Identities in a Context of Resistance | 2015 | | Social Psychology | Academic | Article | aphobia; asexual; AVEN; community; definitions; discrimination; friendship; gender; HSDD; intersectionality; LGBTQ; psychology; split attraction; trans |
Colin Görke | | "Melted Your Cold Heart Yet?" Amatonormative Masculinity in Casino Royale and Spectre | 2019 | | Media Studies, Aro Theory | Academic | Article | amatonormativity; aromantic; feminism; friendship; gender; marriage; masculinity; media; platonic; pop culture; queerplatonic; romantic |
John Guillory | Victoria Kahn, Neil Saccamano, Daniela Coli | The Bachelor State: Philosophy and Sovereignty in Bacon’s New Atlantis | 2006 | Princeton University Press | Literature, Philosophy | Academic | Book chapter | bachelor; celibacy; community; early modern; friendship; gender; history; homosociality; marriage; masculinity; philosophy; politics; protestant; religion; university |
Donna M. Mandigo, Louis F. Kavar | | The Asexual Male Experience: A Phenomenological Inquiry | 2022 | | Psychology | Academic | Article | allosexual; aromantic; asexual; asexual continuum; definitions; friendship; gender; identity; intimacy; LGBTQ; masculinity; masturbation; otherness; platonic; psychology; qualitative methods; queerplatonic; relationships; romantic; self-identification; split attraction |
Anna Kurowicka | | "The only story I will ever be able to tell": Nonsexual Erotics of Friendship in Donna Tartt's The Secret History and Tana French's The Likeness | 2020 | | Literature | Academic | Article | amatonormativity; asexual; asexual reading/theory; asexual resonances; capitalism; community; friendship; jealousy; literary analysis/theory; literature; love; nonsexual; queer; queerplatonic; romantic |
Christina Lang | | Intimacy and Desire Through the Lens of an Aro-Ace Woman of Color | 2018 | | Ace Theory, Aro Theory | Academic | | amatonormativity; anarchy; aromantic; asexual; asexual reading/theory; AVEN; Boston Marriage; coming out; demisexuality; desexualization; feminism; friendship; gender; gold star asexual; identity; intersectionality; intimacy; kinship; media; pathologization; queer theory; race; romantic; sex education; single; theory; TV |
Katie Linder | Brandy L. Simula, J.E. Sumerau, Andrea Miller | Queering the Nuclear Family: Navigating Familial Living as an Asexual (Personal Reflection) | 2019 | Brill Sense | Queer Theory, Ace Theory | Academic | Book chapter | aromantic; asexual; community; compulsory sexuality; friendship; gray-asexuality; intimacy; LGBTQ; marriage; queerplatonic; romantic; self-identification; sexual violence |
Kristýna Kaymak Minaříková | | "But You're Not Alone": Outside of Coupledom | 2021 | | Sociology | Academic | | amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; bachelor; discrimination; friendship; love; marriage; media; neoliberal; nonmonogamy; pop culture; qualitative methods; reproduction; romantic; single |
Michón Neal | | 5 Ways Amatonormativity Sets Harmful Relationship Norms for Us All | 2016 | | Aro Theory | Community | Article | amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; autism; friendship; intimacy; jealousy; love; nonmonogamy; romantic |
Adam Key, Brontë Pearson | | Non-Love Letters: Asexualizing Queer Love and Generosity | 2021 | | Ace Theory, Auto Theory | Academic | | allosexual; asexual; classical; friendship; gender; love; marriage; media; nonsexual; platonic; queer; queer theory; romantic; sexual violence; trauma; virginity |
Anna Kurowicka | | The ace art of failure: Asexuality and BoJack Horseman | 2022 | Routledge | Ace Theory | Academic | Book chapter | asexual; asexual reading/theory; asexual resonances; capitalism; coming out; community; friendship; media; pop culture; queer theory; TV |
Hilal Kasikci | | Frigid transgressions: Unveiling the queer potentialities of asexuality | 2015 | | Ace Theory, Marxist Theory | Academic | | aromantic; asexual; asexual reading/theory; capitalism; compulsory sexuality; feminism; fetishization; friendship; identity; intimacy; monogamy; neoliberal; nonmonogamy; objectification; pathologization; queer theory |
Kristina Gupta | | "And Now I'm Just Different, but There's Nothing Actually Wrong with Me": Asexual Marginalization and Resistance | 2017 | | Sociology | Academic | Article | asexual; AVEN; community; compulsory sexuality; desexualization; friendship; identity; nonsexual; otherness; pathologization; romantic |
baegin-ace | | An Aro/Ace analysis of Jane Austen's Emma | 2019 | | Literature, Aro Theory | Community | Post | aromantic; aromantic reading/theory; asexual; asexual reading/theory; friendship; literary analysis/theory; literature; love; marriage; platonic; queerplatonic; Victorian |
Nicole Braida | | Challenging Love: An exploration of Theories and Practices of Consensual Affective Non-Monogamies in Italy | 2020 | | | Academic | | affect; amatonormativity; aromantic; aromantic reading/theory; friendship; history; intimacy; love; medieval; nonmonogamy; polyamory; queer; queer theory; queerplatonic; romantic |
Sennkestra | | Aces like Words, Part 2: The Ambiguity of Friendship | 2013 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Boston Marriage; Carnival of Aces; friendship; language; queerplatonic; relationships |
Lisa Moore | | 'Something More Tender Still than Friendship': Romantic Friendship in Early-Nineteenth-Century England | 1992 | | Literature, Queer Theory | Academic | Article | Boston Marriage; England; femininity; feminism; friendship; gender; history; intimacy; lesbian; literary analysis/theory; literature; romantic |
Liza Blake | | Teaching Premodern Asexualities and Aromanticisms | 2022 | | Ace Theory, Aro Theory, Literature | Academic | Article | alloromantic; aromantic; aromantic reading/theory; asexual; asexual reading/theory; compulsory sexuality; desexualization; early modern; education; friendship; queer; queer theory; race; representation |
Kim TallBear, Angela Willey | | Critical Relationality: Queer, Indigenous, and Multispecies Belonging Beyond Settler Sex & Nature | 2019 | | Indigenous Studies, Ace Theory | Academic | Article | asexual; asexual reading/theory; colonialism; eco-erotics; erotics; friendship; indigenous; intersectionality; intimacy; kinship; multispecies; nonhuman; nonmonogamy; pathologization; queer; theory |
Marc Francis | | The Asexual-Single and the Collective: Remaking Queer Bonds in (A)sexual, Bill Cunningham New York, and Year of the Dog | 2016 | | Media Studies, Queer Theory | Academic | Article | asexual; friendship; intimacy; LGBTQ; love; media; nonhuman; politics; queer; queer theory; representation; single |
Sherronda J. Brown | | 'Left to hold my grief alone.' Grieving platonic love in a culture of romantic domination | 2022 | | | Community | Article | aromantic reading/theory; care; community; discrimination; friendship; love; non-romantic; platonic; romantic; single; stereotypes |
Benjamin Kahan | | Celibacies: American Modernism & Sexual Life | 2013 | Duke University Press | | Academic | Monograph | asexual; Black; Boston Marriage; celibacy; friendship; gender; marriage; philosophy; queer; race; religion; spinster |
Justin Gaines | | R(ace): a-response | 2014 | | | Community | Article | asexual; Asian; Black; friendship; masculinity; race; sex; trauma |
queerlyraging | | I am affected. | 2019 | | | Community | Post | adolescence; aphobia; aromantic; asexual; autotheory; community; erasure; family; friendship; gatekeeping; identity; LGBTQ; literature; love; relationships; representation; romantic; single; trauma; Tumblr |
ace-thinks | | Relationship Anarchy sorta explained | 2021 | | | Community | Post | anarchy; care networks; definitions; friendship; intimacy; labels; marriage; queer theory; relationships; romantic; social construct; Tumblr |
raimi | | I’m coining the term lovequeer | 2021 | | | Community | Post | amatonormativity; aromantic; definitions; family; friendship; love; non-romantic; queer; Tumblr |
Blue Ice-Tea | | Platonic Dating, or, as I Like to Call it, “Dating” | 2019 | | | Community | Post | amatonormativity; aromantic; Carnival of Aros; dating; demisexuality; friendship; relationships |
mesotablar | | Friendship Sprouts | 2019 | | | Community | Post | aromantic; Carnival of Aros; friendship; relationships |
Erin Lavender-Stott | | Queering singlehood: Examining the intersection of sexuality and relationship status from a queer lens | 2023 | Journal of Family Theory and Review | | Academic | Article | amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; family; friendship; heteronormativity; LGBTQ; queer; queer theory; single |
Nothing Radical | | Managing Expectations in an Allonormative World | 2023 | Nothing Radical-Blog | | Community | Post | allonormativity; alloromantic; amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; Carnival of Aros; friendship; platonic; relationships; Tumblr |
The Thinking Aro | | Relationship Anarchy Basics | 2013 | | | Community | Post | aromantic; friendship; polyamory; relationships |
Angela Chen | | Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex | 2020 | Beacon Press | | Community | Other | allonormativity; allosexual; amatonormativity; aphobia; aromantic; asexual; asexual continuum; coming out; community; compulsory sexuality; definitions; dehumanization; desexualization; disability; discourse; erotics; femininity; friendship; frigidity; gender; identity; interdisciplinary; intersectionality; intimacy; LGBTQ; literature; marriage; masculinity; media; monogamy; morality; narrative; online community; otherness; queer; race; relationships; self-identification; sex; stereotypes |
Angela Chen | | Romance Reconsidered: Chapter from Ace | 2020 | | | Community | Book chapter | alloromantic; amatonormativity; aromantic; aromantic reading/theory; aromantic spectrum; asexual; Boston Marriage; categorization; family; friendship; intimacy; literature; love; marriage; non-romantic; nonhuman; platonic; queerplatonic; romantic; split attraction |
Brake Elizabeth | | Special Treatment for Lovers: Marriage, Care, and Amatonormativity | 2012 | | | Academic | Book chapter | amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; care; care networks; celibacy; friendship; heterosexuality; love; marriage; monogamy; morality; philosophy; polyamory; relationships; romantic; sex; single |