Authors↑ | Editors↑ | Title↑ | Year↑ | Press↑ | Discipline↑ | Category↑ | Type↑ | Tags↑ | URL↑ |
C. Bougie | | Composing Aromanticism | 2021 | | Aro Theory, Queer Theory | Academic | | amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; AVEN; categorization; coming out; definitions; discrimination; dysphoria; friendship; gender; identity; kinship; narrative; online community; poetry; queer; queer theory; relationships; self-identification; social construct; split attraction; theory |
Elizabeth Brake | | Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law | 2012 | Oxford University Press | Law, Philosophy | Academic | Monograph | amatonormativity; asexual; community; compulsory sexuality; discrimination; gender; injustice; jealousy; law; marriage; monogamy; morality; nonmonogamy; objectification; philosophy; platonic; political theory; privilege; relationships; romantic; sexual violence; social construct |
Matt Dawson, Susie Scott, Liz McDonnell | | Negotiating the boundaries of intimacy: the personal lives of asexual people | 2016 | | Sociology | Academic | Article | aromantic; friendship; identity; intimacy; narrative; passing; psychology; qualitative methods; relationships; romantic; social construct; sociology; split attraction |
Luke Brunning, Natasha McKeever | | Asexuality | 2021 | | Philosophy | Academic | Article | aphobia; asexual; asexual continuum; asexual reading/theory; categorization; definitions; demisexuality; infantilization; injustice; morality; philosophy; relationships; romantic; split attraction |
CJ Deluzio Chasin | | Making Sense in and of the Asexual Community: Navigating Relationships and Identities in a Context of Resistance | 2015 | | Social Psychology | Academic | Article | aphobia; asexual; AVEN; community; definitions; discrimination; friendship; gender; HSDD; intersectionality; LGBTQ; psychology; split attraction; trans |
Donna M. Mandigo, Louis F. Kavar | | The Asexual Male Experience: A Phenomenological Inquiry | 2022 | | Psychology | Academic | Article | allosexual; aromantic; asexual; asexual continuum; definitions; friendship; gender; identity; intimacy; LGBTQ; masculinity; masturbation; otherness; platonic; psychology; qualitative methods; queerplatonic; relationships; romantic; self-identification; split attraction |
Lisa Orlando | | The Asexual Manifesto | 1972 | | | Academic | Other | asexual; feminism; fetishization; gender; intimacy; morality; nonsexual; objectification; patriarchy; political theory; politics; relationships |
Lorca Jolene Sloan | | Ace of (BDSM) clubs: Building asexual relationships through BDSM practice | 2015 | | Psychology | Academic | Article | asexual; BDSM; fantasies; identity; kink; qualitative methods |
asexycuddleslut | | Discovering Asexuality in a Sexual Relationship | 2012 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships |
Aydan | | My Feelings on Significant Others | 2012 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships |
Emerald | | Learning to be alone | 2012 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships |
Jo | | Defining Significant Others | 2012 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships |
Hezekiah | | Carnival of Aces: Sexless relationships and how to find them | 2012 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships |
codeman38 | | A Pair of Aces | 2012 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships |
Queenie | | Confessions concerning dating and being ace | 2012 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships |
Rowan | | Carnival of Aces - Dating and Significant Others | 2012 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships |
AsexualityArchive | | …And Then What? | 2012 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships |
Siggy | | Engineering a relationship | 2012 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships |
Queenie | | Nonsexual relationships for sex-repulsed or celibate aces | 2013 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; polyamory; relationships |
Laura | | Why the idea of queerplatonic relationships or platonic life partnerships is important to me | 2013 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; polyamory; queerplatonic; relationships |
Jo | | An Aromantic in Love | 2013 | | | Community | Post | aromantic; asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; queerplatonic; relationships |
Adrian | | My Relationship Anarchy | 2013 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; demisexuality; polyamory; relationships |
Cloudyfoots | | Family Friendly | 2013 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; family; relationships |
thethinkingasexual | | A CELIBATE ASEXUAL RELATIONSHIP ANARCHIST: POST FOR CARNIVAL OF ACES JANUARY 2013 | 2013 | | | Community | Post | anarchy; asexual; Carnival of Aces; celibacy; dating; polyamory; relationships |
Hunted Snark | | Carnival of Aces: Non-traditional relationships | 2013 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; history; polyamory; queerplatonic |
Eponine | | Polyamory: Never a One-sided Deal, even in Mixed Relationships (Guest Post) | 2013 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; polyamory; queerplatonic; relationships |
Sara K. | | Dancing as a Traditional “Nontraditional” Relationship | 2013 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; queerplatonic; relationships |
Sennkestra | | Aces like Words, Part 2: The Ambiguity of Friendship | 2013 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Boston Marriage; Carnival of Aces; friendship; language; queerplatonic; relationships |
Atalia | | Things Aces Can Learn From Kink: Part One | 2013 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; consent; heteronormativity; kink; relationships |
Atalia | | Things Aces Can Learn From Kink: Part Two | 2013 | | | Community | Post | asexual; consent; kink; relationships |
asexualspace | | What’s Important | 2011 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; queerplatonic; relationships |
Akalashi | | A Name | 2011 | | | Community | Post | asexual; Carnival of Aces; relationships; sex |
Daniel Copulsky | | At the Intersection of Polyamory and Asexuality | 2019 | Brill | Queer Theory, Ace Theory | Academic | Book chapter | asexual; demisexuality; gray-asexuality; identity; intersectionality; nonmonogamy; orientation; polyamory; relationships; romantic |
Daniel Copulsky, Phillip H. Hammack | | Asexuality, Graysexuality, and Demisexuality: Distinctions in Desire, Behavior, and Identity | 2021 | | Social Psychology | Academic | Article | aromantic; aromantic spectrum; asexual; asexual continuum; demisexuality; gender; gray-asexuality; identity; masturbation; relationships; romantic; self-identification; split attraction |
queerlyraging | | I am affected. | 2019 | | | Community | Post | adolescence; aphobia; aromantic; asexual; autotheory; community; erasure; family; friendship; gatekeeping; identity; LGBTQ; literature; love; relationships; representation; romantic; single; trauma; Tumblr |
ace-thinks | | Relationship Anarchy sorta explained | 2021 | | | Community | Post | anarchy; care networks; definitions; friendship; intimacy; labels; marriage; queer theory; relationships; romantic; social construct; Tumblr |
small-ass-mustelid | | New Term: Lovepunk | 2021 | | | Community | Post | aphobia; aromantic spectrum; asexual continuum; definitions; dehumanization; disability; gender; labels; love; neurodivergent; nonbinary; orientation; polyamory; queer; race; relationships; social construct; trans |
small-ass-mustelid | | New Term: Lovepunk | 2021 | | | Community | Post | aphobia; aromantic reading/theory; aromantic spectrum; asexual continuum; definitions; dehumanization; disability; gender; labels; love; neurodivergent; nonbinary; orientation; polyamory; queer; race; relationships; social construct; trans |
aroace-avenue | | The blurriness between nonamory and polyamory | 2021 | | | Community | Post | amatonormativity; aromantic; aromantic reading/theory; categorization; community; identity; labels; nonmonogamy; polyamory; queer; queer theory; relationships; sex; sexual; Tumblr |
sydney khoo | | Free Toy Included | 2017 | | | Community | Post | adolescence; aromantic; asexual; Asian; celibacy; dating; demisexuality; family; fanfic; food; kink; love; marriage; masturbation; orgasm; relationships; religion; sex |
Laura Kipnis | | Against Love | 2004 | | | Community | Monograph | amatonormativity; capitalism; celibacy; family; feminism; heterosexuality; intimacy; jealousy; love; marriage; monogamy; North America; philosophy; pleasure; politics; queer theory; relationships; shame; social construct |
Coyote | | Relationship =/= Partnership | 2019 | | | Community | Post | aromantic; Carnival of Aros; history; relationships; split attraction |
Isaac | | Navigating relationships as aromantic | 2019 | | | Community | Post | aromantic; Carnival of Aros; platonic; relationships; squish |
Briar | | Polyplatonic, but Open | 2019 | | | Community | Post | aromantic; Carnival of Aros; platonic; polyamory; queerplatonic; relationships; Tumblr |
aro-neir-o | | A CARNIVAL OF AROS - RELATIONSHIPS | 2019 | | | Community | Post | aromantic; Carnival of Aros; platonic; queer; queerplatonic; relationships; repulsion/aversion; romantic; Tumblr |
Blue Ice-Tea | | Platonic Dating, or, as I Like to Call it, “Dating” | 2019 | | | Community | Post | amatonormativity; aromantic; Carnival of Aros; dating; demisexuality; friendship; relationships |
mesotablar | | Friendship Sprouts | 2019 | | | Community | Post | aromantic; Carnival of Aros; friendship; relationships |
SoulRiser | | Would a tribe of antisocial hermits work? | 2019 | | | Community | Post | aromantic; Carnival of Aros; community; community-building; relationships |
The Demi Deviant | | Mixed-Orientation Relationship Struggles (Part 1 of 3) | 2019 | | | Community | Post | aromantic; Carnival of Aros; demisexuality; gray-asexuality; poetry; relationships |
alto-tenure | | August Carnival of Aros: Relationships | 2019 | | | Community | Post | aphobia; aromantic; Carnival of Aros; queer; relationships; Tumblr |
Ace | | Relationships | 2019 | | | Community | Post | aromantic; Carnival of Aros; polyamory; queer; queerplatonic; relationships; Tumblr |
Hannah Tessler, Canton Winer | | Sexuality, Romantic Orientation, and Masculinity: Men as Underrepresented in Asexual and Aromantic Communities | 2023 | Sociology Compass | | Academic | Article | amatonormativity; aromantic; aromantic spectrum; asexual; community; compulsory sexuality; gender; love; masculinity; patriarchy; relationships; single |
Hannah Tessler | | Aromanticism, Asexuality, and Relationship (Non-)Formation: How A-spec Singles Challenge Romantic Norms and Reimagine Family Life | 2023 | Sage Journals | | Academic | Article | allonormativity; amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; family; relationships; romantic; single |
Hannah Tessler | | The Stability of Singlehood: Limitations of the Relationship Status Paradigm and a New Theoretical Framework for Reimagining Singlehood | 2023 | Journal of Family Theory and Review | | Academic | Article | allonormativity; amatonormativity; aromantic; aromantic spectrum; asexual; celibacy; heteronormativity; relationships; single |
Ace Film Reviews | | Family: Wondering What Could Have Been | 2023 | | | Community | Post | allonormativity; amatonormativity; asexual; Carnival of Aros; community; diaspora; family; relationships; Tumblr |
Moses Sumney | | Aromanticism: The Album | 2017 | | Album | Community | Other | aromantic; aromantic spectrum; art; family; intimacy; loneliness; love; music; relationships; religion; sex |
Lijing Ma, Hailey Hatch, Eddy Clark | | The Investment Model of Commitment: Examining Asexual and Aromantic Populations using Confirmatory and Exploratory Factor Analysis | 2023 | Routledge | | Academic | Article | aromantic; aromantic spectrum; asexual; AVEN; love; monogamy; nonmonogamy; relationships; science; sex |
Madison McGill | | Aromanticism never felt like a real option, and that’s not my fault | 2023 | University Wire | | Community | Article | amatonormativity; aromantic; media; relationships; representation |
Roma De las Heras Gómez | | Thinking Relationship Anarchy from a Queer Feminist Approach | 2018 | | Political Theory, Feminism | Academic | Article | amatonormativity; anarchy; aromantic; aromantic reading/theory; asexual; asexual reading/theory; feminism; lesbian; love; monogamy; nonmonogamy; political theory; politics; polyamory; queer; queer theory; queerplatonic; relationships; split attraction |
Nothing Radical | | How Society Delegitimizes Aromantic Family | 2023 | Nothing Radical-Blog | | Community | Post | amatonormativity; aromantic; Carnival of Aros; family; relationships; Tumblr |
Nothing Radical | | Managing Expectations in an Allonormative World | 2023 | Nothing Radical-Blog | | Community | Post | allonormativity; alloromantic; amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; Carnival of Aros; friendship; platonic; relationships; Tumblr |
The Thinking Aro | | Relationship Anarchy Basics | 2013 | | | Community | Post | aromantic; friendship; polyamory; relationships |
Tabby Shieldmaiden | | My Future | 2023 | | | Community | Post | amatonormativity; aromantic; autism; Carnival of Aros; family; heteronormativity; marriage; relationships; Tumblr |
Brooke Higginbottom | | The Nuances of Intimacy: Asexual Perspectives and Experiences with Dating and Relationships | 2024 | Springer | | Academic | Article | allosexual; aromantic; asexual; asexual continuum; dating; relationships |
Peter Charnell | | Asexuality, Affect Aliens, and Digital Affect Cultures: Relationality with the Happy Objects of Sexual and Romantic Relationships | 2022 | | | Academic | Article | affect; aliens; aromantic; asexual; LGBTQ |
Ellen Van Houdenhove, Luk Gijs, Guy T’Sjoen, Paul Enzlin | | Stories About Asexuality: A Qualitative Study on Asexual Women | 2015 | | | Academic | Article | aromantic; asexual; AVEN; coming out; femininity; gender; identity; intimacy; love; relationships; romantic; sex |
Angela Chen | | Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex | 2020 | Beacon Press | | Community | Other | allonormativity; allosexual; amatonormativity; aphobia; aromantic; asexual; asexual continuum; coming out; community; compulsory sexuality; definitions; dehumanization; desexualization; disability; discourse; erotics; femininity; friendship; frigidity; gender; identity; interdisciplinary; intersectionality; intimacy; LGBTQ; literature; marriage; masculinity; media; monogamy; morality; narrative; online community; otherness; queer; race; relationships; self-identification; sex; stereotypes |
Angela Chen | | Arriving at Asexuality: Chapter from ACE | 2020 | | | Community | Book chapter | asexual; AVEN; community; identity; monogamy; nonmonogamy; online community; relationships; self-identification |
Angela Chen | | Compulsory Sexuality and (Male) Asexual Existence | 2020 | | | Community | Book chapter | asexual; celibacy; coming out; community; compulsory sexuality; gender; identity; marriage; masculinity; online community; relationships; religion; self-identification; sex; sexual; virginity |
Angela Chen | | The Good-Enough Reason: Chapter from Ace | 2020 | | | Community | Book chapter | asexual; celibacy; compulsory sexuality; consent; frigidity; law; marriage; relationships; repulsion/aversion; sex; sexual violence |
Angela Chen | | Plating with Others: Chapter from Ace | 2020 | | | Community | Book chapter | allonormativity; amatonormativity; asexual; community; consent; intimacy; kink; marriage; masturbation; monogamy; nonmonogamy; polyamory; relationships; sex; sexusociety |
Angela Chen | | Where are we going where have we been? : Chapter from Ace | 2020 | | | Community | Book chapter | amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; erotics; identity; LGBTQ; normativity; queer; relationships; self-identification; sex |
Sherronda J. Brown | | Gatekeeping | 2022 | | | Academic | Book chapter | allonormativity; amatonormativity; asexual continuum; coming out; community; compulsory sexuality; discourse; discrimination; erasure; fetishization; gatekeeping; gender; heteronormativity; invisible; LGBTQ; media; normativity; otherness; queer; relationships; representation; sex; sexual liberation; sexual violence; trauma |
Sherronda J. Brown | | Neverland | 2022 | | | Academic | Book chapter | amatonormativity; asexual; Black; black conscious asexuality; colonialism; compulsory sexuality; dehumanization; discrimination; family; heteronormativity; heterosexuality; infantilization; intersectionality; marriage; normativity; race; relationships; sex; sexusociety; single; virginity; whiteness |
Susan Talburt | | Orienting ourselves to the gay penguin | 2012 | | | Academic | Article | amatonormativity; animals; identity; marriage; orientation; relationships |
Elizabeth Brake | | The Marriage Promise: Is Divorce Promise - Breaking? | 2012 | | | Academic | Book chapter | heterosexuality; love; marriage; monogamy; morality; philosophy; relationships; reproduction; sex |
Brake Elizabeth | | Special Treatment for Lovers: Marriage, Care, and Amatonormativity | 2012 | | | Academic | Book chapter | amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; care; care networks; celibacy; friendship; heterosexuality; love; marriage; monogamy; morality; philosophy; polyamory; relationships; romantic; sex; single |
Elizabeth Brake | | Critiques of Marriage: An Essentially Unjust Institution? | 2012 | | | Academic | Book chapter | amatonormativity; feminism; heteronormativity; heterosexuality; love; marriage; monogamy; morality; oppression; philosophy; polyamory; race; relationships; sex |
Elizabeth Brake | | Defining Marriage: Political Liberalism and the Same-Sex Marriage Debate | 2012 | | | Academic | Book chapter | amatonormativity; heterosexuality; LGBTQ; liberalism; love; marriage; monogamy; morality; philosophy; politics; polyamory; relationships; sex |
Elizabeth Brake | | Challenges for Minimal Marriage: Poverty, Property, Polygyny | 2012 | | | Academic | Book chapter | amatonormativity; heterosexuality; law; liberalism; love; marriage; monogamy; morality; philosophy; politics; polyamory; relationships; sex |
Elizabeth Brake | | Minimizing Marriage: What Political Liberalism Implies for Marriage Law | 2012 | | | Academic | Book chapter | amatonormativity; heterosexuality; law; liberalism; love; marriage; monogamy; morality; philosophy; politics; polyamory; relationships; sex |
Elizabeth Brake | | How to Commit Marriage: A Conceptual Guide | 2012 | | | Academic | Book chapter | family; love; marriage; monogamy; morality; philosophy; relationships |
Elizabeth Brake | | Marriage, Sex, and Morals | 2012 | | | Academic | Book chapter | heterosexuality; love; marriage; monogamy; morality; philosophy; relationships; reproduction; sex |