Searchable Bibliography

Our searchable bibliography will allow you to browse and easily find a list of curated sources pertaining to aromanticism, asexuality, and its related subject matters. To maximize the relevancy of the search results, these are our recommended steps to using the bibliography.

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WarrenCarnival of Aces – February: Languages and Communication2013asexual; Carnival of Aces; language
VictrixCarnival of Aces: Language and Communication2013asexual; Carnival of Aces; language
QueenieTalking about (a)sexuality in Japanese2013asexual; Carnival of Aces; Japan; language
LauraThe Power of Words2013amatonormativity; asexual; Carnival of Aces; language; queer; queerplatonic
NicoleWORD VOMIT ON WORDS: REBRANDING LOVE2013asexual; Carnival of Aces; language
Sara K.My First Attempt to Discuss Asexuality in Mandarin2013asexual; Carnival of Aces; China; language
Robin L.Translation of Asexual (無性戀)2013asexual; Carnival of Aces; China; gray-asexuality; language
AdrianCommunicating Demisexuality2013asexual; Carnival of Aces; demisexuality; language
KinkyaceTHE WORD “ASEXUAL”2013asexual; Carnival of Aces; gender; kink; language
JamesWhat to call “sexual activity”?2013asexual; Carnival of Aces; language; sex
Radical WhisperingsWhat isn’t sex?2013asexual; Carnival of Aces; language; sex
codeman38Separated by a Common Language2013asexual; Carnival of Aces; language; split attraction
ArfLanguage, Identity, and Labels2013asexual; Carnival of Aces; demisexuality; language
EffiEffi and asexuality, with extra amounts of WORDS because that’s how I roll.2013asexual; Carnival of Aces; language; Tumblr
SennkestraAces like Words, part 1: Filling in the Gaps2013asexual; Carnival of Aces; language
SennkestraAces like Words, Part 2: The Ambiguity of Friendship2013asexual; Boston Marriage; Carnival of Aces; friendship; language; queerplatonic; relationships
IsaacThe asexual community in Spanish language2011AVEN; Carnival of Aces; protestant; race
CoyoteRomantic Orientation and the “Split Attraction Model” are not the same thing2019aesthetic attraction; aromantic; aromantic reading/theory; aromantic spectrum; categorization; definitions; language; orientation; split attraction
primeidealLove Language (Carnival of Aros: Aromanticism and Religion2019aromantic; Carnival of Aros; love; religion
The Song SystemLanguage and the Aromantic Manifesto2021amatonormativity; aromantic; Carnival of Aros; Tumblr