Searchable Bibliography

Our searchable bibliography will allow you to browse and easily find a list of curated sources pertaining to aromanticism, asexuality, and its related subject matters. To maximize the relevancy of the search results, these are our recommended steps to using the bibliography.

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Emily Burkhardt, Verity Trott, Whitney Monaghan"#Bughead Is Endgame": Civic Meaning-Making in Riverdale Anti-Fandom and Shipping Practices on Tumblr2021asexual; comics; LGBTQ; media; online community; political theory; politics; representation; TV
Marcelina SzubaWe're Here, We're Queer... Or Are We? Queerness, Asexuality, and Communicative Capitalism on Tumblr2018aphobia; asexual; capitalism; gatekeeping; gender; identity; LGBTQ; neoliberal; online community; performativity; political theory; politics; privilege; queer; queer theory
Queenie, N/ACompulsory sexuality, or why dating and being asexual can be very confusing, especially if people keep giving you dumb puberty books2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; compulsory sexuality; corrective assault; heteronormativity; identity; primary source; repulsion/aversion; Tumblr; virginity
LauraCompulsory Sexuality2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; compulsory sexuality; feminism; primary source; Tumblr
LauraAsexuality After 302012asexual; Carnival of Aces; Tumblr
QueenieNavigating adolescence as an asexual2012adolescence; asexual; Carnival of Aces; Tumblr
redbeardaceLiving Alone2012amatonormativity; asexual; Carnival of Aces; Tumblr
Dominique CyprèsOn sex education, for the Carnival of Aces2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; sex education; Tumblr
QueenieSex-positive sexual education and the asexual spectrum, or Queenie has dangerously many feelings about consent2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; sex education; Tumblr
Appalachian-AceThoughts Toward An Everyone-Inclusive Sex Ed, Part 42012asexual; Carnival of Aces; sex education; Tumblr
Appalachian-AceThoughts Toward An Everyone-Inclusive Sex Ed, Part 52012asexual; Carnival of Aces; sex education; Tumblr
codeman38Sex education: a confusing place for an ace2012asexual; autism; Carnival of Aces; sex education; Tumblr
redbeardaceAsexual Sex Ed2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; sex education; Tumblr
LauraIn which I take a new look at an old favorite book2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; fiction; Tumblr
Appalachian-AceCarnival of Aces: Fiction2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; fiction; Tumblr
QueenieThat one time I got a story about asexuality published in an erotica magazine, or Queenie rambles about writing fiction2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; erotics; fiction; Tumblr
Dominique CyprèsThe Awakening by Kate Chopin2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; fiction; Tumblr
LuluCarnival of Aces: A Place In Canon2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; fiction; Tumblr
JamesCarnival of Aces: Villains on the Ace Spectrum2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; fiction; Tumblr
AydanIt’s A Question Of Numbers2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; fiction; Tumblr