Searchable Bibliography

Our searchable bibliography will allow you to browse and easily find a list of curated sources pertaining to aromanticism, asexuality, and its related subject matters. To maximize the relevancy of the search results, these are our recommended steps to using the bibliography.

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yingchen, yingtongAn aromantic manifesto2018amatonormativity; archives; aromantic; capitalism; jealousy; love; monogamy; political theory; politics; primary source; queer; romantic; social construct; trans
Carter VanceUnwilling Consumers: Towards a Historical Materialist Concept of Asexuality and Compulsory Sexuality2018asexual; asexual reading/theory; capitalism; feminism; neoliberal; political theory; politics; queer theory; theory
Justin Smith"[T]he happiest, well-feddest wolf in Harlem": Asexuality as Resistance to Social Reproduction in Claude McKay's Home to Harlem2020asexual; asexual reading/theory; asexual resonances; Black; capitalism; community; intersectionality; literary analysis/theory; literature; political theory; politics; queer; race; reproduction; sexusociety
Michael CobbSingle: Arguments for the Uncoupled2012art; art history; capitalism; death; gender; LGBTQ; literary analysis/theory; literature; media; monogamy; nonmonogamy; philosophy; political theory; queer; romantic; single; social construct; theory; TV
Anna Kurowicka"The only story I will ever be able to tell": Nonsexual Erotics of Friendship in Donna Tartt's The Secret History and Tana French's The Likeness2020amatonormativity; asexual; asexual reading/theory; asexual resonances; capitalism; community; friendship; jealousy; literary analysis/theory; literature; love; nonsexual; queer; queerplatonic; romantic
Marcelina SzubaWe're Here, We're Queer... Or Are We? Queerness, Asexuality, and Communicative Capitalism on Tumblr2018aphobia; asexual; capitalism; gatekeeping; gender; identity; LGBTQ; neoliberal; online community; performativity; political theory; politics; privilege; queer; queer theory
Chelsea ReynoldsThe 'Woke' Sex Discourse: Sexuality and Gender in Online Consumer Magazines2020amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; BDSM; bisexual; capitalism; coming out; feminism; gay; gender; gender fluidity; intersectionality; intersex; kink; LGBTQ; media; neoliberal; nonbinary; nonmonogamy; politics; pop culture; queer; race; sex education; sexual violence; trans; whiteness
Anna KurowickaThe ace art of failure: Asexuality and BoJack Horseman2022asexual; asexual reading/theory; asexual resonances; capitalism; coming out; community; friendship; media; pop culture; queer theory; TV
Hilal KasikciFrigid transgressions: Unveiling the queer potentialities of asexuality2015aromantic; asexual; asexual reading/theory; capitalism; compulsory sexuality; feminism; fetishization; friendship; identity; intimacy; monogamy; neoliberal; nonmonogamy; objectification; pathologization; queer theory
Sherronda J. BrownRefusing Compulsory Sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex-Obsessed Culture2022adolescence; antiracism; aphobia; asexual; asexual reading/theory; Black; capitalism; compulsory sexuality; controlling images; corrective assault; definitions; dehumanization; femininity; fetishization; frigidity; gatekeeping; gender; history; infantilization; intersectionality; masculinity; monstrosity; nonhuman; objectification; pathologization; queer; race; reproduction; reproductive futurity
Laura KipnisAgainst Love2004amatonormativity; capitalism; celibacy; family; feminism; heterosexuality; intimacy; jealousy; love; marriage; monogamy; North America; philosophy; pleasure; politics; queer theory; relationships; shame; social construct