Searchable Bibliography

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Xu Guo, Day WongConstructions of Asexual Identity in China: Intersections of Class, Gender, Region of Residence, and Asexuality2020aromantic; asexual; China; coming out; HSDD; identity; intersectionality; LGBTQ; mixed methods; online community; pro forma marriage; romantic; single; social construct; trans
Jordan WindholzThe Queer Testimonies of Male Chastity in All's Well That Ends Well2019bachelor; early modern; identity; literary analysis/theory; literature; marriage; masculinity; protestant; queer; queer theory; reproductive futurity; Shakespeare; single; virginity
Jordan WindholzBallads, Journeymen, and Bachelor Community in Shakespeare's London2016bachelor; community; early modern; marriage; masculinity; Shakespeare; single
Kristin S. ScherrerWhat Asexuality Contributes to the Same-Sex Marriage Discussion2010amatonormativity; feminism; gatekeeping; intimacy; LGBTQ; marriage; nonmonogamy; queer; single; trans; whiteness
Michael CobbSingle: Arguments for the Uncoupled2012art; art history; capitalism; death; gender; LGBTQ; literary analysis/theory; literature; media; monogamy; nonmonogamy; philosophy; political theory; queer; romantic; single; social construct; theory; TV
Tiina VaresAsexuals negotiate the 'onslaught of the heteronormative'2021amatonormativity; asexual; community; New Zealand; politics; qualitative methods; queer; queer theory; romantic; sexusociety; single; split attraction
Daniella Cooper, Ela PrzybyloAsexual Resonances: Tracing a Queerly Asexual Archive2014archives; asexual; asexual reading/theory; asexual resonances; celibacy; history; intimacy; kinship; literature; queer; queer theory; repulsion/aversion; sexusociety; single; theory
Christina LangIntimacy and Desire Through the Lens of an Aro-Ace Woman of Color2018amatonormativity; anarchy; aromantic; asexual; asexual reading/theory; AVEN; Boston Marriage; coming out; demisexuality; desexualization; feminism; friendship; gender; gold star asexual; identity; intersectionality; intimacy; kinship; media; pathologization; queer theory; race; romantic; sex education; single; theory; TV
Amanda L. Mollet, Brian LackmanAllonormativity and Compulsory Sexuality2022allosexual; amatonormativity; aphobia; asexual; celibacy; compulsory sexuality; corrective assault; discrimination; fiction; gender; identity; LGBTQ; nonsexual; pathologization; privilege; religion; representation; sex education; single; trans; TV
Caleb LunaRomantic Love is Killing Us: Who Takes Care of Us When We're Single?2018amatonormativity; aromantic; colonialism; gender; intersectionality; mental illness; platonic; race; romantic
Margaret Rose McDowellAgainst Compulsory Sexuality: Asexual Figures of Resistance2022allosexual; archives; asexual; asexual reading/theory; AVEN; Black; Boston Marriage; celibacy; compulsory sexuality; dehumanization; erotics; feminism; gender; intimacy; literary analysis/theory; literature; media; politics; pop culture; queer theory; race; reproductive futurity; sexual liberation; sexusociety; single; TV; world building
Kristýna Kaymak Minaříková"But You're Not Alone": Outside of Coupledom2021amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; bachelor; discrimination; friendship; love; marriage; media; neoliberal; nonmonogamy; pop culture; qualitative methods; reproduction; romantic; single
Ela PrzybyloAsexuality and the Feminist Politics of 'Not Doing It'2011aromantic; asexual; asexual reading/theory; AVEN; celibacy; compulsory sexuality; essentialism; feminism; gender; history; HSDD; intersectionality; intimacy; love; nonmonogamy; pathologization; politics; queer theory; romantic; sexual liberation; single
Hayle DambrowkyThe Asexual Perspective: Intimacy without the Intimate2022asexual; asexual reading/theory; celibacy; colonialism; indigenous; intimacy; kinship; marriage; monogamy; queer; queer theory; reproductive futurity; single
Wendy L. Morris, Stacey Sinclair, Bella M. DePauloNo Shelter for Singles: The Perceived Legitimacy of Marital Status Discrimination2007discrimination; law; marriage; quantitative methods; single
Ela PrzybyloCritical Nonsexualities2017antiracism; archives; asexual; asexual resonances; celibacy; colonialism; desexualization; disability; erotics; gender; indigenous; intersectionality; kinship; LGBTQ; nonmonogamy; nonsexual; politics; queer; race; religion; single; sovereignty; transnational; virginity
Marc FrancisThe Asexual-Single and the Collective: Remaking Queer Bonds in (A)sexual, Bill Cunningham New York, and Year of the Dog2016asexual; friendship; intimacy; LGBTQ; love; media; nonhuman; politics; queer; queer theory; representation; single
Sherronda J. Brown'Left to hold my grief alone.' Grieving platonic love in a culture of romantic domination2022aromantic reading/theory; care; community; discrimination; friendship; love; non-romantic; platonic; romantic; single; stereotypes
queerlyragingI am affected.2019adolescence; aphobia; aromantic; asexual; autotheory; community; erasure; family; friendship; gatekeeping; identity; LGBTQ; literature; love; relationships; representation; romantic; single; trauma; Tumblr
Erin Lavender-StottQueering singlehood: Examining the intersection of sexuality and relationship status from a queer lens2023amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; family; friendship; heteronormativity; LGBTQ; queer; queer theory; single