Searchable Bibliography

Our searchable bibliography will allow you to browse and easily find a list of curated sources pertaining to aromanticism, asexuality, and its related subject matters. To maximize the relevancy of the search results, these are our recommended steps to using the bibliography.

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C. BougieComposing Aromanticism2021amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; AVEN; categorization; coming out; definitions; discrimination; dysphoria; friendship; gender; identity; kinship; narrative; online community; poetry; queer; queer theory; relationships; self-identification; social construct; split attraction; theory
Christian Klesse, Leehee Rothschild, Jaisie WalkerQueer(ing) Consensual Non-Monogamies, Queering Therapy: Queer Intimacy, Kinship, and Experiences of CNM in LGBTQIA+ Lives2022amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; BDSM; bisexual; friendship; gender; intimacy; kink; kinship; LGBTQ; nonbinary; nonmonogamy; platonic; psychology; queer; queerplatonic; romantic; trans
Elijah G. StuckiCompulsory Sexuality and Amatonormativity in Higher Education: A Photovoice Study with Asexual and Aromantic Students2019amatonormativity; aromantic; art; asexual; asexual reading/theory; AVEN; colonialism; coming out; community; community-building; compulsory sexuality; corrective assault; definitions; dehumanization; disability; gender; HSDD; identity; intersectionality; kinship; LGBTQ; mental illness; nonbinary; otherness; pathologization; queer; race; romantic; sexual violence; social construct; trans
Nathan SnazaAsexuality and Erotic Biopolitics2020antiracism; asexual; asexual reading/theory; biocultural; colonialism; compulsory sexuality; intersectionality; kinship; literary analysis/theory; literature; political theory; queer; queer theory; race
Megan ColeTraumatic Pregnancy, Queer Virginity, and Asexual Reproduction in Margaret Cavendish's The Convent of Pleasure2021amatonormativity; asexual; asexual reading/theory; early modern; feminism; gender; history; kinship; literary analysis/theory; literature; marriage; nonsexual; queer; queer theory; representation; reproduction; trauma; virginity
Evelyn ElgieBeing and Doing: Interrogating Dominant Narratives of Asexual Kinship in an Amatonormative Culture2017amatonormativity; aromantic; asexual; asexual reading/theory; AVEN; colonialism; identity; indigenous; intersectionality; intimacy; kinship; nonmonogamy; nonsexual; online community; queer theory; queerplatonic; romantic; social construct; sociology; split attraction; theory
Daniella Cooper, Ela PrzybyloAsexual Resonances: Tracing a Queerly Asexual Archive2014archives; asexual; asexual reading/theory; asexual resonances; celibacy; history; intimacy; kinship; literature; queer; queer theory; repulsion/aversion; sexusociety; single; theory
Christina LangIntimacy and Desire Through the Lens of an Aro-Ace Woman of Color2018amatonormativity; anarchy; aromantic; asexual; asexual reading/theory; AVEN; Boston Marriage; coming out; demisexuality; desexualization; feminism; friendship; gender; gold star asexual; identity; intersectionality; intimacy; kinship; media; pathologization; queer theory; race; romantic; sex education; single; theory; TV
Hayle DambrowkyThe Asexual Perspective: Intimacy without the Intimate2022asexual; asexual reading/theory; celibacy; colonialism; indigenous; intimacy; kinship; marriage; monogamy; queer; queer theory; reproductive futurity; single
Ela PrzybyloCritical Nonsexualities2017antiracism; archives; asexual; asexual resonances; celibacy; colonialism; desexualization; disability; erotics; gender; indigenous; intersectionality; kinship; LGBTQ; nonmonogamy; nonsexual; politics; queer; race; religion; single; sovereignty; transnational; virginity
Kim TallBear, Angela WilleyCritical Relationality: Queer, Indigenous, and Multispecies Belonging Beyond Settler Sex & Nature2019asexual; asexual reading/theory; colonialism; eco-erotics; erotics; friendship; indigenous; intersectionality; intimacy; kinship; multispecies; nonhuman; nonmonogamy; pathologization; queer; theory
Theresa N. KenneyThinking Asexually: Sapin-Sapin, Asexual Assemblages, and the Queer Possibilities of Platonic Relationalities2020art; asexual; asexual reading/theory; Asian; cake; colonialism; diaspora; intersectionality; kinship; online community; Pilipinx; queer; queer theory; race; South Asian; transnational