Searchable Bibliography

Our searchable bibliography will allow you to browse and easily find a list of curated sources pertaining to aromanticism, asexuality, and its related subject matters. To maximize the relevancy of the search results, these are our recommended steps to using the bibliography.

  1. Select the tags you are interested in the advanced filters such as affect, adolescence. Tags were manually assigned by our research team to each resource to ensure they are relevant.
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Kelsey BorresonWhat it Means to be 'Aromantic' According to Aromantic People2022aromantic; asexual; AVEN; comics; friendship; identity; media; platonic; queerplatonic; repulsion/aversion; romantic
Emily Burkhardt, Verity Trott, Whitney Monaghan"#Bughead Is Endgame": Civic Meaning-Making in Riverdale Anti-Fandom and Shipping Practices on Tumblr2021asexual; comics; LGBTQ; media; online community; political theory; politics; representation; TV
Nat WrhelThe Acest of Aces: Representations of Asexuality in Fiction2017archives; asexual; asexual reading/theory; comics; dehumanization; fiction; gender; LGBTQ; literary analysis/theory; literature; media; queer; romantic; TV
Kaiya Jacob, Ela PrzybyloThe Erotic Worldmaking of Asexual and Aromantic Zines2021'zine; antiracism; archives; aromantic; art; asexual; comics; community; community-building; compulsory sexuality; erotics; fiction; intersectionality; media; queer; visibility; world building
Sara GhalebAsexuality is still hugely misunderstood. TV is slowly changing that.2018aromantic; asexual; comics; media; pathologization; representation; split attraction; TV
Nicholas E. MillerAsexuality and Its Discontents: Making the ‘Invisible Orientation’ Visible in Comics2017aromantic; asexual; asexual reading/theory; comics; compulsory sexuality; gatekeeping; gender; identity; LGBTQ; media; pathologization; queer
KJ CerankowskiIllegible: Asexualities in Media, Literature, and Performance2014asexual; asexual reading/theory; AVEN; comics; dandy; dehumanization; desexualization; erotics; fetishization; gay; gender; gold star asexual; identity; intimacy; LGBTQ; literary analysis/theory; literature; nonsexual; performativity; pop culture; queer; queer theory; sexual violence; spectacle; trauma
KJ CerankowskiSpectacular Asexuals: Media Visibility and Cultural Fetish2014asexual; AVEN; comics; dehumanization; erotics; fetishization; gold star asexual; media; otherness; performativity; queer; representation; spectacle
The Ace CoupleAsexual Representation- The Most Banned Book, Gender Queer: A Memoir2023asexual; asexual reading/theory; asexual resonances; comics; fandom; fanfic; fantasies; gender; masturbation