Searchable Bibliography

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Tiina Vares"My [asexuality] is playing hell with my dating life": Romantic identified asexuals negotiate the dating game2018asexual; BDSM; gender; intimacy; monogamy; New Zealand; nonmonogamy; qualitative methods; romantic; split attraction
Queenie, N/ACompulsory sexuality, or why dating and being asexual can be very confusing, especially if people keep giving you dumb puberty books2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; compulsory sexuality; corrective assault; heteronormativity; identity; primary source; repulsion/aversion; Tumblr; virginity
IsaacThoughts and experiences on dating and significant others2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating
asexycuddleslutDiscovering Asexuality in a Sexual Relationship2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships
AydanMy Feelings on Significant Others2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships
EmeraldLearning to be alone2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships
JoDefining Significant Others2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships
HezekiahCarnival of Aces: Sexless relationships and how to find them2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships
codeman38A Pair of Aces2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships
QueenieConfessions concerning dating and being ace2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships
RowanCarnival of Aces - Dating and Significant Others2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships
AsexualityArchive…And Then What?2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships
SiggyEngineering a relationship2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; relationships
JoAn Aromantic in Love2013aromantic; asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; queerplatonic; relationships
AdrianMy Relationship Anarchy2013asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; demisexuality; polyamory; relationships
thethinkingasexualA CELIBATE ASEXUAL RELATIONSHIP ANARCHIST: POST FOR CARNIVAL OF ACES JANUARY 20132013anarchy; asexual; Carnival of Aces; celibacy; dating; polyamory; relationships
EponinePolyamory: Never a One-sided Deal, even in Mixed Relationships (Guest Post)2013asexual; Carnival of Aces; dating; polyamory; queerplatonic; relationships
sydney khooFree Toy Included2017adolescence; aromantic; asexual; Asian; celibacy; dating; demisexuality; family; fanfic; food; kink; love; marriage; masturbation; orgasm; relationships; religion; sex
The Ace Couple, Courtney LaneBeing a Jamaican Ace in Catholic School, A "Right to Sex", & Other Allonormative Nonsense ft. Fara2023allonormativity; amatonormativity; aphobia; asexual; Black; black conscious asexuality; Catholic; dating; diaspora; religion
Blue Ice-TeaPlatonic Dating, or, as I Like to Call it, “Dating”2019amatonormativity; aromantic; Carnival of Aros; dating; demisexuality; friendship; relationships