Searchable Bibliography

Our searchable bibliography will allow you to browse and easily find a list of curated sources pertaining to aromanticism, asexuality, and its related subject matters. To maximize the relevancy of the search results, these are our recommended steps to using the bibliography.

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Elizabeth BrakeMinimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law2012amatonormativity; asexual; community; compulsory sexuality; discrimination; gender; injustice; jealousy; law; marriage; monogamy; morality; nonmonogamy; objectification; philosophy; platonic; political theory; privilege; relationships; romantic; sexual violence; social construct
Matthew WilliamsCold Heart: An Exploration of Aromanticism in Lucy2018amatonormativity; aromantic; friendship; literary analysis/theory; literature; love; platonic
John GuilloryThe Bachelor State: Philosophy and Sovereignty in Bacon’s New Atlantis2006bachelor; celibacy; community; early modern; friendship; gender; history; homosociality; marriage; masculinity; philosophy; politics; protestant; religion; university
Michael H. JamesonThe Asexuality of Dionysus2014art; art history; bisexual; classical; gender; gender fluidity; literary analysis/theory; literature; mythology
Theodora A. JankowskiPure Resistance: Queer Virginity in Early Modern English Drama2000early modern; gender; medieval; nonsexual; protestant; queer; queer theory; religion; virginity
Eunjung Kim"A Man, with the Same Feelings": Disability, Humanity, and Heterosexual Apparatus in Breaking the Waves, Born on the Fourth of July, Breathing Lessons, and Oasis2010asexual; dehumanization; disability; disability theory/studies; feminism; gender; intimacy; Korean; masculinity; media; otherness; pathologization; queer
Eunjung KimCuring Virginity2017asexual; corrective assault; desexualization; disability; disability theory/studies; nonsexual; pathologization; queer; sexual violence; virginity
Elisabetta RuspiniAsexual Women and Men: Living without Sex2013asexual; AVEN; coming out; HSDD; identity; intimacy; masturbation; reproduction; sexusociety
Elisabetta RuspiniAsexual Women and Men: Living without Sex2013asexual; AVEN; coming out; HSDD; identity; intimacy; masturbation; reproduction; sexusociety
Ela PrzybyloAsexual Erotics: Intimate Readings of Compulsory Sexuality2019asexual
Liza BlakeDildos and Accessories: The Functions of Early Modern Strap-Ons2011early modern; fetish; gender; nonhuman; queer theory
Cynthia BarounisVulnerable constitutions : queerness, disability, and the remaking of American manhood2019asexual; crip; disability; disability theory/studies; gender; literary analysis/theory; literature; masculinity; North America; pathologization; politics; queer; queer theory
Benjamin KahanCelibacies: American Modernism & Sexual Life2013asexual; Black; Boston Marriage; celibacy; friendship; gender; marriage; philosophy; queer; race; religion; spinster
Melanie YergauAuthoring Autism: On Rhetoric and Neurological Queerness2018a-fluidity; asexual; asexual reading/theory; autism; demisexuality; desexualization; disability; disability theory/studies; gender; gender fluidity; gray-asexuality; neurodivergent; nonbinary; orientation; queer; queer theory; reproduction; split attraction; squish
Madison McGillAromanticism never felt like a real option, and that’s not my fault2023amatonormativity; aromantic; media; relationships; representation